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Outsourcing Measures

Legal BPO

  • Legacy Transcriptions, wherein highly accurate conversions of legal documents, hardcopies of case files and similar legacy documents are converted into digital formats.
  • Indexing and scanning of documents.
  • Document creation and word processing work.
  • Conversion from one format, say, from a word document to XML or Legal XML.
  • Legal research involves case histories, judgment.
  • Client briefs going up to the penultimate stage of a petition submitted to the court.
  • Conversion of interviews with clients or witnesses by lawyers into documents which can be presented in court.

The benefits to the clients are immense amongst others things. The clients have made significant cost savings, released their key resources to focus on core activity, increased the speed of information to end-user and acquired the ability to 'scale-up' the project if they need.

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